Ta' Sannat is a village on Gozo Island, Malta, with a population of 2,200 persons. Ta' Sannat is in the south of Gozo, popular for its very high cliffs, ancient cart ruts, temples and dolmens, and rich fauna and flora. Sannat is a quiet village in the south of Gozo. Sannat was the traditional center of the island's lace-making cottage industry and during the summer months, women sit outside their homes to make lace under the breeze of a hot summer day. Well-known also for its impeccable architectural craftsmanship, the village balconies are sculpted with excellent skill and precision. At Ta' Cenc, within the limits of ta' Sannat, there is L-Imramma Temple, a primitive type prehistoric temple made up of a sort of an oval court with a series of more or less oval rooms to the north. Other interesting remains are three dolmens, a horizontal, roughly shaped, slab of limestone supported on three sides by blocks of stone standing on end.
Ta' Cenc is also famous for its spectacular precipices or cliffs, that are the natural home of several wildlife species, both flora and fauna. Lying low by Ta' Cenc, one could admire the natural beauty of Hanzira valley, a natural gorge separating Sannat from the village of Xewkija. The valley, due to its steep rocky sides, has little signs of human interference and leads down to Mgarr ix-Xini Bay to the South of Gozo. The pebbly beach is a very popular diving site. In fact Mgarr ix-Xini is one of Gozo's best places for diving and the wreck of the once Malta-Gozo ferryboat Xlendi rests on the seabed, a few hundred metres away from the bay's outer stretches. The magical deep blue sea at Mgarr ix-Xini offers an excellent place to indulge in the summer sun that the island is bestowed with.